Biofunctionalization through the use of polyelectrolyte micelles and erythrocytes
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Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta St., 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Department of Biomaterials and Medical Devices Engineering, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Roosevelta 40 St., Zabrze 41-800, Poland
AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Department of Experimental Mechanics and Biomechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, 37 Jana Pawła II Av., 31-864 Krakow, Poland
Submission date: 2024-07-19
Acceptance date: 2024-08-14
Publication date: 2024-08-20
Engineering of Biomaterials 2024;(172):07
Biological functionalization is a critical area of research aimed at enhancing the functionality and application of biomaterials in various biomedical fields. One of the key aspects of biofunctionalization involves the addition of growth factors, which can significantly improve the biocompatibility of materials. Enhanced biocompatibility allows these materials to integrate more effectively with surrounding tissues, promoting their acceptance by the body and minimizing the risk of rejection or inflammation. This study is focused on investigations of the surface properties of polyelectrolyte layers, micelles, and complex systems utilizing red blood cells (RBCs) as carriers for growth factors. Through electrostatic interactions between negatively charged RBCs and positively charged polyelectrolytes, it becomes possible to modify red blood cells for use as effective delivery systems. Additionally, polyelectrolyte micelles can be employed for delivery purposes through grafting with suitable polymers. All of the tested surfaces exhibited hydrophilic characteristics, as indicated by measurements of the contact angle. Furthermore, the study determined the zeta potential of modified red blood cells and presented methods for the docking of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) onto both RBCs and micelles. The obtained results highlight the potential of these biofunctionalized systems for improving therapeutic outcomes in regenerative medicine and drug delivery.